Great cases in psychoanalysis by Greenwald, Harold, 1910-1999, ed


The girl who couldn't breathe (1895) / Sigmund Freud (translated by A. A. Brill)
The Woman who felt persecuted (1915) / Sigmund Freud (translated by Edward Glover)
The man who loved corsets (1910) / Karl Abraham (translated by Douglas Bryan and Alix Strachey)
The brief analysis of a hypochondriac (1919) / Sandor Ferenczi (translated by Joan Riviere)
The child who couldn't sleep (1924) / Melanie Klein (translated by Alix Strachey)
The unknown murderer (1925) / Theodor Reik
The girl who couldn't stop eating (1954) / Robert Lindner
The anxious young woman and the retired business man / Carl Gustave Jung
The drive for superiority / Alfred Adler
The ever-tired editor / Karen Horney
The inefficient wife / Harry Stack Sullivan
The angry adolescent / Carl R. Rogers
Brief therapy of a psychosomatic case / Roy R. Grinker and Fred P. Robbins
A group of problem girls / S. R. Slavson

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