Sincerety Honesty

Sincerety/Honesty  The 8th Annual Integration School of the EPI in collaboration with the Hungarian Psychoanalytical Society in Budapest, Hungary "Sincerety/Honesty" 08-15 of July 2023



The core issue: Challenges of honesty and sincerity behind the couch, in supervision and in analytic organizations.
Gabor Szonyi _____________________5 стр.

Commentary on Gabor Szonyi "The core issue: Challenges of honesty and sincerity behind the couch, in supervision and in analytic organizations".
Tomas V. Kajokas_________________15 стр.

Understanding psychoanalytic process through metephors.
Agoston Schmelowszky____________20 стр.

"Interpreting as an attempt to find words to grasp the spring and appearance of subjective life". 
Siarhei Papou_____________________35 стр.

In greed curable by disclosing unconscious in psychoanalytical therapy and psychoanalysis?
Annatt Felhazi_____________________41 стр.

Undigested Words. 
Anna Maria Hansjurgens____________54 стр.

Understanding the phenomena of negative myths.
Agnes Szajcz______________________67 стр.

Информационный листок

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СКПА – Член-корреспондент Европейской сети групп-аналитических обучающих институтов EGATIN

European Group AnalyOc Training InsOtuOons Network, EGATIN

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